Friday, May 16, 2014

Happy Summer Dog

Yes, it's finally Summer! Whether you are planning on spending your summer camping at the lake, strolling down the beach or simply sipping on a frozen daiquiri -make sure to also make plans for your most faithful companion and friend, dog.

The summer weather can be harsh on dogs: overheating, dehydration and burned paws are but a short list of things that could happen.

Here is a list of tips for a happy summer dog!
  1. Exercise your dog either early in the morning or late at night
  2. Leave the A/C or Fan on during the day
  3. Keep your dog hydrated
    Always keep a bowl (or two) of fresh water available for him to drink
  4. Use doggie boots
    The booties will protect your dogs' paws from the hot pavement.
  5. Cooling bandana
    This is a product that will help cool your dog for hours. Simply soak the Bandana in cold water for 15 to 30 minutes and tie it around your dog's neck as you would do with a regular bandana.
  6. Did someone say pool?
    What a better way to fight the heat than hitting the pool! If you don't have a pool at home or if dogs are not allowed at the community pool you can always get a "kiddy pool". They are really inexpensive and are easy to manage; in sum hours and hours of cool fun!
  7. Frozen treats
    Keep a couple of frozen bananas or yogurt cubes in the freezer and give them to your dogs as refreshment. Click here for more frozen treat ideas
  8. Do not shave his fur!
    It actually helps them fight the nasty UV rays and prevent sunburns.
  9. Never leave a dog in a car
    This is a NO, NO all-year-round, especially during the summer, "On a 78-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can soar to between 100 and 120 degrees in just minutes, and on a 90-degree day, the interior temperature can reach as high as 160 degrees in less than 10 minutes".
  10. Shade
    Try to keep your dog inside as much as possible but if for any reason you have to take them out make sure you keep them out of direct sunlight or give them a shady place to get out of the sun.

    Tell us, How do you keep your dog cool during the summer?

Friday, October 19, 2012

5 Daily Discount Sites for Dogs

Inspired by a post on (read here) I decided to write a post listing sites that offer daily deals for dog related products.  As it turn out there aren't that many (or at least that's what Google wants me to believe) because I wanted to include about ten but only found five that look legit.

I must warn you, I have not personally bought from any of the sites I am listing on this post (I live in Puerto Rico and most of this sites will not ship to this little island on the Caribbean) but the products they carry are super cool and I had to somehow participate!

Maybe, if they ever read this post I will get an email from them saying something like "Hi, We now offer shipping to Puerto Rico".

Anyways happy shopping! How it works: You sign up to receive emails, Facebook messages, and tweets for their daily deals. One great thing they have is that if you invite friends and your friends buy loot, you get a $10 credit aka doggyloot credits (after they make their first purchase). They also offer free shipping and are now working on a subscription base service where you get to repeat delivery of your "dog's favorite products. is both a regular online pet-store (dogs + cats) and daily deal site where you can save you up to 70% on pet productsWhat I liked the most about them is that they donate a share of their sale profits to different animal charities. They also have a reward program were you gain points for every purchase you make and also for sharing products you like on Facebook. offers daily discounted deals from pet companies in your area (you pick your city when subscribing to the service).  They also offer national deals.  is another daily deal website that offers pet products and services at discounted prices. If you help them "spread the word" by inviting your friends to join and they buy a deal you can earn $10 in PETching bucks! offers daily deals featuring design inspired pet goods up to 70% off. It is a members-only daily deals site that through its 72 hour sales,offers a "carefully curated selection of high quality and design inspired pet products".
Want some LeLeBugs? (credits) then send some invites to your friends and earn a LeLeBug for each friend that joins (up to 10). 1 LeLeBug = $1 credit.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New iPhone app for Dogs

If you ever wonder what your dog's behavior means look no further... there's an app for that!

Dog Park Assistant comes with video clips and photographs of dog behavior that will help teach you how to understand dog play and dog-dog interactions better.

Looks like a great tool for all pet-parents. Just hope people don't start paying more attention to theirs phones instead of the dogs!

Here's a glimpse of the app

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Looking for the next Benji

Remember the movie Benji, where a golden mixed breed dog saves two kidnapped children?

Walden Media recently announced that they are working on an updated version of the movie classic and they will be using social media to find the new dog to star on the film!!

If you think your dog is cut off for the part enter join the casting call by sharing your dog's picture on the movie's Facebook page at