Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dog Pregnancy and the Importance of Nutrition

I can't think of anything more heartwarming than meeting a litter of puppies for the first time. I particularly love the way they all seem to be synched to one another and the smell of their breath!

We all love puppies but if you are planning on breeding your bitch there are many factors to take into consideration and some planning to do.

Before breeding you should make sure that your dog has all her vaccines up to date and if necessary has been treated for worms. You should also have both male and female tested for Canine Brucellosis, a sexually transmitted disease that causes spontaneous late term abortions, infection of reproductive organs and eventual sterility in both sexes.

During pregnancy
As with humans, nutrition becomes extremely important.  A pregnant dog requires a good nutrition to support the demands that the growing fetuses will put on her body.
"From the 6th week of pregnancy, the bitch’s energy, mineral and protein requirements rise significantly in line with her puppies’ rapid growth and in preparation for lactation.  At the same time her appetite and digestive abilities decline, particularly due to the increased volume of the uterus. She therefore needs a balanced diet with a high nutritional value and a very high energy content"*
Changing your dog's diet
During the bitch’s pregnancy, it is important that you change her food in the last third of pregnancy and like with any change on your dog's diet -the transition to the new dog food formula should be gradual & progressive. 

Meaning that over a one week period you will start adding/mixing the new formula to your dog's regular food little by little.

The transition from regular dog food to the "during pregnancy diet" should take place from the 35th day after breeding occurred.

Exercise is also very important to ensure that your dam is top physical condition prior, during and after she given birth.

A new kind of food

Royal Canin Puerto Rico recently announce the launching of a new line of products specifically formulated for dog mummies and their pups:

Birth and Growth Programme
is a unique nutritional solution developed to meet the specific needs of the bitch and her puppies during the first 5 stages in the life cycle:

Birth / Whelping
Nursing / Lactation
and Growth up to 2 months.

The new Starter formula offers a combined solution for the mother and her puppies: adapted to each size dog.

If you will like more information on the new Royal Canin Mother & Puppies: Get Started Nutrition Formula Click here.

We will gladly answer all your questions and concerns.

Special Offer:
Save 15% on your first order of
Royal Canin Mother & Puppies: Get Started Nutrition Programme 

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